How do we protect our expensive Smartphones from being stolen? They are easy targets because of their small size and availability. Are you one of those people who pull it out of your pocket or purse and put it down on the table in front of you when you’re at a restaurant? The idea is to be available if the babysitter is trying to get a hold of you, or anyone else for that matter. If you’ve ever had a Smartphone stolen, you are in the midst of great company. According to research by mobile security firm Lookout, you are most at risk of it being stolen in major metropolitan cities. And, in the U.S., the average person experiences a loss, or theft of a Smartphone about once a year.

The top 10 cities for stolen phones as determined by Lookout's Find My Phone app are:

1. Philadelphia

2. Seattle

3. Oakland

4. Long Beach

5. Newark

6. Detroit

7. Cleveland

8. Baltimore

9. New York

10. Boston

In order to prevent theft, individuals should always be aware of their surroundings and keep your phone out of reach. Push it deep in your pocket, or purse, not sitting out on a table in a bar, restaurant, or coffee house where someone can easily snatch it or you might easily leave it behind. Don’t let the size lull you into forgetting how expensive Smartphones are! These items can be worth up to $800 and can easily be resold on the street.

Although it can seem like a lucrative, quick business, don’t fall into this type of behavior. Take online theft diversion classes to help you regain your sense of morals and learn tips to redirect and overcome the impulsive feelings. Now with the tracker software in place on most IPhones, it’s easier than ever to catch up with thieves. If you have been unfortunate enough to be tracked and arrested for this theft, you will most likely have to make restitution, pay court fines, possible community service and the judge will generally assign a theft class.

If this is your situation, the easiest, most convenient and educational way to fulfill the requirement is to take an online theft diversion class. Just check with your court system first to make sure that the class you choose is accepted. If it is a high quality course, many jurisdictions now understand the value of online classes and approve them. It enables the offender to stay at home and avoid having to drive across town to a class that is designated at a certain time. This puts more pressure on the theft offender and can cause work and school disruptions. Online courses contain the same information taught in traditional classrooms, but the entire curriculum is on the screen in front of you. A final exam is issued at the end of the course. With a 70% or better, a Certificate of Completion will immediately be mailed directly to you. The final can be retaken as many times as necessary for successful completion of the course.

If you have been caught for shoplifting or theft, take an online theft class now to fulfill court requirements, gain theft aversion skills and move on with your life!