While there are hundreds upon hundreds of written laws which keep most societies relatively stable and prevent people from simply turning on one another, there is something more which allows us all to live together in the same environment without fearing for safety: respect and empathy. Even though the laws may not state it, most people who have been raised in modern society have learned that other people have just as much of a right as they do to live on this planet and that we should not only live and let live, but also care for each other and offer help in times of need. Needless to say, people who care for each other or have empathy for each other, are much less likely to get into a fight than those who can’t put themselves in the other’s shoes. 

As you can probably guess, criminals who cause physical or monetary harm to others, don't necessarily do it because the act makes them happy.  They do it because they do not have the ability to understand what others are feeling.  They simply cannot relate to them and understand just how much damage they are causing. A lack of empathy is often the root cause of why thieves are able to steal from others.  In most cases thieves do what they do because they cannot take into account the gravity which the consequences of their actions hold for other people… they simply do not care.

So, is it possible to do anything apart from sending them away to jail? Is it possible to help them change their ways without doing it through fear and repression? Is teaching empathy to thieves possible? Well, as it turns out researchers such as Edith Stein believe that empathy is something which occurs in us and cannot be taught… but the values of an empathic person can be taught. In other words, it is possible to teach a person how and why empathic people act, and it is even possible to have them implement attributes and behaviors of empathy into their lifestyle.  More clearly stated, teaching empathy to thieves will not turn them into empathic people but it will help them acquire their values.

Developing empathic attributes in a person is generally done through therapy-like sessions in which the person who is taught empathic values expresses him or herself in regards to various events which put them in their current position. What's important is to have the person get in touch with their personal emotions during these acts, as well as times in their life when they felt bad. It is very important to name and identify the emotions concretely as it can be very helpful for a person who spent most of his or her life hiding and suppressing emotions. The most important skill which needs to be taught is the ability to put one's self in another person's shoes and to imagine what they would be feeling. It takes a lot of practice and patience, and unfortunately there really is no secret or magic switch: it's all about helping the person establish a connection to their emotions and developing the ability to read what other people are feeling. With time, a person can definitely learn what they are doing wrong and why it is wrong.

If you or someone in your family is able to identify with this personality trait, taking theft classes online will teach you what empathy is and how to incorporate those feelings into your life.  A high quality website to try is www.theftclassonline.com.  You can take the classes as a family or individually in the privacy of your own home.  They are an excellent educational device if you notice this behavior in your child or yourself and will help you to stop bad behavior prior to getting a conviction.