If you're under the gun for theft education classes and need to provide proof of enrollment as soon as possible, then online theft education programs provide instant access to courts and probation officers.

It's not ideal, but if there's a court case looming, the instant access that online classes offer will make your court and probation worries a little lighter. Online classes offer instant notifications of enrollment that will allow your judge or probation officer to know that you are fulfilling you court and legal obligations.

Why Instant Notification Matters
By taking traditional live classes, your judge or probation officer won't be able to get instant access to you classroom enrollment. You'll have to rely on the instructor to fill out the proper paperwork for your hardcopy notification. Online classes offer this automatically for all enrollees and the authorities they need to report to.

If the instructor is lazy or simply misses a student that needs quick proof of enrollment, it will be the student that pays the legal price. It's important to get that instant access for judges and probation officers due to the real and complicated repercussion of being at fault. Online theft education programs provide that instant access for authorities at any hour of the day. You can rest at ease with an online class; you'll be well taken care of.

State or Federal Classes
There are two types of accepted online classes, the nationally accepted classes and the state accepted classes. Each state has different theft laws and punishments, determining which will work best for you depend highly on the theft charge.

Upon completion of a court ordered theft class, the offender may be released of paying fines and even escape jail time. That's why it's crucial that online classes are used. The instant access for courts makes tracking the enrollment and progression very easy. If too much time is taken finding a class, which can happen when waiting for a traditional class to start, the original fines and jail time will be reinstated with contempt of court added to the charges.

Theft Charges that May not be Covered
One of the largest growing crimes worldwide may not be eligible for any type of theft class, and that's identity theft. Depending on the severity of the theft and the amount stolen, the offender may or may not be given the option to enroll. In some cases, the fines and jail time will not be wavered, making the offender complete the class while serving their sentence.  California theft classes are most popular because of the enormous population of the state.

If the offender is given the chance to complete the class on their own, if enrollment and access to the court and probation officer isn't done quickly, it could land the offender back in the legal system in a much worse and unforgivable manner.

As you can tell, taking the traditional theft education classes can cost you more than money. It’s best to enroll in online theft education programs that will provide instant access to courts and probation officers.