Access to information has become easier resulting in plagiarism cases increasing. This generation of Google users has turned plagiarism into a substantial issue. There have been countless cases involving plagiarism in recent times.

Plagiarism is essentially the unauthorized use of information that is not your own. It is the idea of imitating someone's work or copying it in its entirety. This copied work is then passed off as one's own work without giving credit to the original creator.

It is imperative for everyone to understand plagiarism is a type of theft. Despite, the simplicity of committing it, the issue should be considered serious. There are severe consequences for those that indulge in such practices. Certain individuals have learned about these consequences the hard way.

The music industry over the years has witnessed countless plagiarism cases. In 1968, Johnny Cash was found in the middle of a plagiarism controversy. He penned a song named, "Folsom Prison Blues", which was a hit instantly. Unfortunately, the tune was plagiarized from a Gordon Jenkins' song named, "Crescent City Blues". This case illustrated what can happen when plagiarism occurs unknowingly. Johnny Cash vehemently denied purposefully stealing Jenkins' work stating it was a mistake. This case demonstrated the repercussions one has to face regardless of intention. Cash was found to have paid a substantial fee (at the time) as out of court settlement.

Coldplay is another renowned band that had to face the wrath of plagiarism charges. In 2008, Joe Satriani claimed Coldplay had plagiarized his song titled, "If I could fly". The finger was being pointed towards parts of Coldplay's song titled, "Viva la Vida". Coldplay instantly denied the allegations and remained firm on their stance. The case continued to drag on until a point came where an out of court settlement was reached. Plagiarism has bogged down the music industry for years and this was just another case from many.

There is a long list of consequences for plagiarizing work which can vary dependent upon each case. For example, a music plagiarism case is generally settled with monetary fines and payments. In an educational setting, the consequences tend to involve suspension or expulsion. Depending upon the severity of the plagiarism, bad grades can be handed out. Expulsion is often reserved for entire assignments being copied. Even minimum penalties of receiving "0" on one's assignment can be a horrid consequence.

In a job setting, the consequences involve docking of pay, suspension or being fired. There is usually minimal leeway as incompetent or dishonest employees are unwelcome. Not only are there short-term consequences, but long-term consequences too. These long-term consequences involve having plagiarism associated to your record. Future employers will be wary of hiring an individual with plagiarism on their previous work records.

Plagiarism is a type of theft. It is a crime that results in clear, harsh and substantial penalties. It is often an easy way out from hard work, but it can lead to substantial problems. As with any crime, it is imperative to understand the risks involved with committing this crime.

If you or someone in your life has been recently caught for some type of theft, often the courts will mandate a class to be taken to help rehabilitate the offender.  Online theft classes are a great way to fulfill this requirement.  They can be taken at your convenience, on your personal computer with complete privacy.  Being caught for theft can often be an embarrassing experience.  To minimize your public exposure, online classes are the way to go!