If you have been convicted of shoplifting or theft, you have most likely been told that theft classes are in your future. Most courts across the nation are now requiring that offenders take “anti-stealing” classes as part of the retribution for their illegal behavior. The general philosophy is that jail time is not enough to rehabilitate someone who steals. Individuals benefit greatly from actually learning skills and techniques to stop the behavior so they don’t end up back in jail again. If you need to take a class, but don’t want to have to sit in a classroom full of strangers and be asked to share your story, take an online theft class! If you don’t want anyone in the community to see you walk into a theft class, take it online! If you are a high-profile personality and don’t want media following you, take a theft class online!

Online Theft classes are available nationally from any web-based computer. Classes are offered for both juvenile and adult offenders and are designed to be educational, easy to understand, and simple to use. The goal of taking a theft class online is to provide the offender with the same quality of information that might be found in a traditional classroom, but in the privacy of your own home. There is no driving in rush hour to meet a school’s predetermined class time. Online classes are available to the user the minute they register, and can be entered and exited at any time of the day or night, 24/7. There is no limit to the number of times the client logs in and out. It’s all about convenience and self-pacing.

The classes are done completely on the computer. This means nothing to download, no paperwork and no printer necessary. This allows the client the freedom to take the class on a laptop from the library, local coffee house, a friend’s apartment or his very own home. The student simply scrolls through the course page by page. At the end of each chapter, there is a multiple choice quiz. Once the quiz is successfully completed, the next chapter can be accessed. At the end of the course there is a final exam that needs to be passed with a 70% score or better. The test can be retaken as many times as necessary to pass the course. At the completion of the final exam, a Certificate of Completion is issued to the client. This is the official paperwork that the offender needs to present to the court system to prove he successfully finished the course.

Classes are available in increments of 4, 8, 10 and 16 hours. Clients typically choose the course length based on the requirement mandated by the court. It is highly recommended that prior to taking an online class; the client gets approval from his/her judge or probation officer. Every jurisdiction is different and we can’t guarantee that every single county in the U.S. will accept distance learning classes to fulfill their requirements. However, if they do accept them, taking an online class is definitely the most stress free way to get the education the offender needs.