When the Unexpected Happens

It's late in the evening, and you're suddenly the only person left in your subway car- well you and one other person that is. You suddenly find yourself the victim of phone snatching thieves who have popped up across the U.S. in search of Apple Ipads, Iphones, and other Apple products. Sure, they'll take just about any Android or Smartphone- but your Apple Iphone is in a class of its own. Therefore, you must learn how to be proactive and protect yourself and your belongings. Don't give your Iphone the chance to become the Apple of someone's eye.

Protecting Your Iphone

Your Iphone can be the target of thieves just about anywhere- the grocery store, mall, bus, train, school, and even church- just to name a few. You could even be taking a stroll down your favorite street and become a victim. You can protect yourself by:

1. Paying attention to your surroundings

2. Not using your phone unless necessary

3. Having an Iphone Cover

4. Using Headphones

5. Avoid loud talking

6. Do not talk while walking 

Emergency Only in Public

When in public, it is important to only use your Iphone when completely necessary. Iphones are very popular, and thieves are waiting to grab yours- don't give them a chance, keep it inside your purse, pocket, or anywhere else as long as it is out of sight. If you must use your phone, do so and put it away. You're probably wondering what good it does having a phone that you can't use openly?  It's not about being completely paranoid and hiding the phone, but keeping it out of sight in certain situations.

Cover Up

There are Iphone accessories available at your phone store that may help to protect your phone. Covers, which are made to keep your phone protected, are a great way to be discreet. Unless thieves are looking noticeably hard, you may be able to hide what you are using when talking on your phone. Sure, they will know that you have a phone, but chances are they will be unaware of what kind of phone it is. 

Keeping Your Phone Out of Sight

Headphones allow you to talk on your phone without actually holding it in your hand. A great idea to protect your Iphone or any other phone would be to use the headphones to talk on, providing no inkling of what your phone actually looks like. However, keep in mind that headphones can sometimes block hearing, so be mindful of the volume and aware of what's going on around you.

Keep Your Tone Low

Many individuals talk loud on their cellphones while in public, without being aware of it. Doing so can draw unnecessary, and often times negative attention. Having attention being drawn your way provides another reason for cellphone thieves to see what you have and plot to take it. Be discreet when speaking on your phone, in an effort to avoid criminals from seeing you and your phone.

When On the Street

Recent Iphone and other cellphone thefts have taken place outside, as well as in subways and other enclosed places. In order to avoid your phone being snatched out of your hand, you must always pay attention to your surroundings. Although this is not completely theft proof, it does decrease your chance of being a victim. Also avoid walking and talking on your phone unless totally necessary. When walking and talking, one's mind is taken off of what is going on in their immediate environment, leading to unfortunate situations. 

Stay Safe

It is of the utmost importance to keep your phone safe at all times, in order to avoid theft. Should you find yourself a victim, call the police as soon as possible. Never try to fight a criminal in efforts to retrieve your phone; doing so could end up with unfortunate consequence. So remember, to be proactive in order to avoid becoming a victim of phone theft, but if it should happen do not try to be a hero, instead report it to the police. 

If you have been indicted for criminal activity involving theft and need to take a theft class, try taking them online.  Online theft classes are available on any computer with web-access.  They are completely private as no one can see you attending a traditional classroom setting.  Just be sure to check first with your judicial system to make sure that they will accept the particular online class you choose.